August 23, 2008

New adventure

Well, I am off on another new adventure. I am homeschooling my middle son with learning disabilities. He has auditory processing, and visual processing disorders. He also has aspergers syndrome. It is going to be an interesting time in our life, and still I am looking forward to it. It will be nice to spend time with him. He is the middle child, and as such, he receives less attention than the 4 year old, and the 7th grader (first born). Poor middle children. The challenge will be in scheduling. I definitely have too many jobs! I will now be dividing my time between homeschooling, my jewelry business, teaching 2 days a week, and starting an after school program for student enrichment. Seriously! I am a very energetic girl, but really!
Well, the fact is that if anything has to go it will be the teaching at the elementary school. I hope that it will all work together. We will see. Keep you posted!

1 comment:

MJ Ornaments said...

Wow Jeni, you do have a full plate. I hope the home schooling works out well for you and your son, and that he really grows through the experience. Hope your weekend is going well, and maybe I'll see you this Thursday night!
Take care my dear,